Tools and crafts 😅frontendhtmlcsstailwindsasstypescriptthreejsreactnextjsbackendexpressmongodbfirebasenginxweb3soliditypytealtoolsdockergitwebpackdiscordjsLanguages and experiencesPythonNodejsRustC++StartedWed Apr 03 2019DescriptionStarted writing python as my first non-web language. Was trying to learn hacking and needed a language for automation. Python introduced me to a whole new world where I realised with code I had so much power, haha. This pushed me to learning other languages. Hence python is my first love and I just read books on it now, well for fun and others.Level
StartedWed Apr 03 2019DescriptionStarted writing python as my first non-web language. Was trying to learn hacking and needed a language for automation. Python introduced me to a whole new world where I realised with code I had so much power, haha. This pushed me to learning other languages. Hence python is my first love and I just read books on it now, well for fun and others.Level